If you look at the sum total of his work - my tiny survey being just a small part - you see a person who dislikes and disdains women in the extreme. In my mind, that warrants criticism of him — as does his belief that although he knows little about this topic, he is entitled to try to “fix” it. Of course feminism isn't "perfect" because it's made up of a vast number of different sects under one umbrella that has millions of people in it, but he's spent the bulk of his so called "feminist" stories vilifying and even lying about all feminists - only recently starting to add in the qualifier "some" - but still saying a lot of really gross and offensive (and off-base) things none-the-less.
As I've already said repeatedly - an ally is supposed to follow the lead of the marginalized group, and listen and learn from them while taking his cues there. This guy doesn't remotely know enough about the body of feminist theory or the lived experience of women to be able to make meaningful or useful critiques. He's just lashing out because he doesn't like that women aren't more grateful to him for not being an asshole. He's making it all about him - and burying that as well as his extreme dislike of women as a group under the banner of "I'm just trying to help". It's gross!
A really clear example of this is that Mona Lazar recently noted that whenever she writes articles ostensibly meant to encourage men and to help them along by reaching out to them, she mostly gets trolling and hate in response. Simon comments that he had no idea and that maybe he needs to update his position. In other words, he doesn't know what he doesn't know about female experience in this culture but he still feels fine pontificating and pointing fingers. And that's a problem.
“I’d like to address no. 3, how much attention should women give to problems men face… I’ve been doing this for a while with my articles, trying to help men adapt to a new society with changing values.
Almost all I got in return from men was ridicule and trolling. Reasons vary and you probably know them: women don’t know what they want (lol), I’m an extreme feminist (far from the truth), I don’t understand men (no, I just don’t play by their rules), etc.
I’m starting to wonder why I still do it. Should we help someone who doesn’t want to be helped? I’d say no. And more and more women are heading towards giving less and less attention to the problems men face. For good reason.”
If I started writing numerous articles about what's wrong with engineering (when I only know the tiniest bit about that) I don't think you'd be defending my right to just spout off my undereducated opinion about things I know little to nothing about.