If you were in many places in the world, including many of the world's beaches it would absolutely be no big deal for you to go walking around with your penis hanging out - nobody would think twice about it. Same if you were in many public places in Germany, including public parks. Why do you get to decide what is "appropriate" for women? Shall we all don burkhas because you feel involuntarily sexually aroused? Again, sounds like a YOU problem.
There are places where "professional" attire is more acceptable, but that doesn't seem to be what you guys are having a conniption fit about.
Dr. Conrad Manning speaks to this in his paper Virtues of Nakedness: Physical & Psychological Health.
"Sociological studies of ethnic groups in which nudity is common have demonstrated that there is no cause and effect relationship between being naked and immorality. Social nudists also exhibit this lack of association. Still, it is clear that many people perceive an association between nudity and overt sexuality. From the standpoint of scientific psychology it can be demonstrated that this connotation of nudity is no more than a learned sexual fetish. It is not an innate [human] characteristic." (emphasis mine)