If you're oppressing me based on nothing but my race or gender, I'm not the problem for pushing back against that in concert with other members of my class who are all also being oppressed for no substantive reason beyond our race or gender. Stop blaming the victim!
Homophobic racist white men who want to "reclaim" their lost unearned place in society are the problem - not the people who object to that on grounds of fairness, safety, and equality.
Everything we have seen so far from the rhetoric of incels, PUAs, and MRAs suggests that the primary goal of these reactionary groups, like much of the alt-right and other online supremacist groups, is to regress to an idealized state of white, heteronormative male control and power. They want to see women subjugated as vassals, objects to be used primarily for men’s sexual pleasure and reproduction: pliant, obedient, and servile. The end — achieving this extreme, patriarchal utopia — is considered infinitely more important than the means, which may include everything from trickery to harassment to assault to mass violence.
Bates, Laura. Men Who Hate Women (p. 210). Sourcebooks. Kindle Edition.