I'll look forward to reading what you write and agree that we have a unique Medium friendship that I would like to continue. There's always value in hearing from someone with another perspective, even if you ultimately don't agree with them.
However, I don't understand what you mean when you say that feminism is philosophically bankrupt. I would have expected you to say that perhaps in practice, but not in philosophy. How can equality be philosophically bankrupt? That doesn't make any sense to me at all! Please explain.
Edit: In addition, I don’t actually consider myself a feminist — in that I don’t see myself as part of a movement. I believe in equal opportunity and equal treatment — much of that coming out of my own experiences with not having that even today. And I see how gender boxes and indoctrination harm boys and girls. I’m so glad that my autistic son completely evaded that because he just is oblivious to it — and we support that. He’s not androgenous — he’s very much a boy, but one who lives that in his own way. I wish every kid had that opportunity.
I see myself as an individualist and a pragmatist. I want people to get to be who they are without others censoring that and I don’t want to be treated badly out of hand for something that I have no control over — my gender. These seem only reasonable to me — and I have quite a difficult time understanding why anyone would be against that.