I'm not abusing anyone. I haven't accused any particular person of anything at all - except for you - who is clearly hellbent on ignoring and excusing well-documented societal dynamics, something that makes you complicit in the harm that they engender. You aren't actually fighting or condemning abuse unless you are grappling with what it stems from. Any men who do that too are also complicit, but plenty of men don't do that. They recognize that longstanding cultural and societal dynamics are at play and call them out.
I notice that you haven't responded to the other comment I left quoting a man saying exactly what I've been saying.
Men’s violence against women is a pervasive social phenomenon with deep roots in existing personal, social, and institutional arrangements. In order for people to understand and ultimately work together to prevent it, it is first necessary for them to engage in a great deal of personal and collective introspection.
Katz, Jackson. The Macho Paradox (p. 24). Sourcebooks. Kindle Edition.
The World Health Organization also names men's violence against women as a major worldwide issue.
"Violence against women – particularly intimate partner violence and sexual violence – is a major public health problem and a violation of women's human rights.
Gender inequality and norms on the acceptability of violence against women are a root cause of violence against women."
Unless you are speaking up against that, you are a part of the problem as well.