I'm with you 100%. Although I support those who opt to simply ignore haters and trolls and would never tell them what they "should" do, I do not stand for bullying behavior and I personally think ignoring it just encourages it. Unless someone is clearly so unhinged that it makes no sense to engage with them, I typically choose to reply - to set the record straight, to demonstrate huge holes in their premise, or sometimes just to play Whack-a-mole. Every once in a while, I'll even get into a lengthy exchange - which from time to time actually does result in us understanding each other better. I've had strangers tell me not to bother with that, but I don't need someone to look out for me and tell me what is best, even if they have good intentions. I'm a grown woman, I will make my own decisions and I will express myself how and when I wish to, thank you very much.