In general, men do have superior upper body strength, but my point is, even that is not a slam dunk binary. If there are exceptions to the binary, then it shows that no pure binary exists.
You're being just plain silly about the Man Box stuff. You've never ever in your life heard a boy called a pussy or told that he does something like a girl? C'mon, you're not being honest. And whether or not you personally behaved like this, it is incredibly common for boys to bond around denigration and objectification of girls as well as the fact that they are not gay. Ever heard the ubiquitous comment "No homo" that many boys say when hugging a pal or saying something that might otherwise be construed as gay in this absurdly homophobic culture? Are you actually pretending that boys don't bully each other in order to uphold norms of the Man Box? If so, you must live on Mars, because I've seen that my whole life. Not every single boy does it, but it is a pervasive dynamic.
This stuff has been studied for 40 years, mostly by men. Acting like I'm somehow making it up and it's not real social science is an again just silly. And if you're not going to acknowledge that it harms men, at least admit how much it harms women - because we live in a culture that allows abuse of girls to happen pervasively when they are still young children. Even guys who would never do that accept that this is the world we live in and turn a blind eye. Which is how and why it continues. If they didn't turn a blind eye to it, it wouldn't be such a pervasive and frankly ubiquitous dynamic.
Not only is it horrendous that we live in culture where little girl-children start feeling unsafe and objectified at a very young age, we live in a culture that mostly doesn’t seem to care. It’s just the way things are. Women’s bodies belong to the general public of men anytime they leave the house. Oh well… It’s been like that as long as we can remember. Even the men who don’t personally feel entitled to comment on women in pubic spaces often seem to sort of accept that this is how our culture works. If they didn’t, it wouldn’t work that way. As many of the nasty commenters on Twitter had to say to women — “Get over it.”