It is not conducive to actual progress to pander to the lowest common denominator just because they are weak and pathetic and can't handle what they perceive as criticism. MLK didn't do it, and no effective leader of social progress has ever done it in the history of the world. We've already had this conversation - do you not recall it? Because I'm not going into it all again with you.
Men like that are not open to common ground, they are not open to reasonable discussions, they will never look at themselves reflectively and come around to see another point of view no matter how "nice" you are to them. I will not grovel for their acceptance or approval. I will speak the truth, even if it is uncomfortable, and anyone who doesn't like that can fuck right off. And 10.6k (60% of whom are men) think that is A-OK. Too bad for those who don't...
There is absolutely nothing I can say or do that would make any difference to The Proud Boys, or the acolytes of Donald Trump or Jordan Peterson. I can't reach those who have been sucked into the poison of the Manosphere - but I can and do reach reasonable men all the time and perhaps, armed with a better understanding of our social system and it's pitfalls, they can help to turn the tide in the right direction, and perhaps at least some of them can reach at least some of those other men.
There is absolutely zero way to talk about what's wrong without ruffling somebody's feathers. Pretending that is possible is delusional and also what white men do who are more concerned about what King called a bid for “tranquility and the status quo” at the expense of justice and humanity.
Which side of history do you want to be on?