It's a story about me making choices for myself. I thought that was incredibly apparent. That's what feminism stands for doesn't it -choices? It doesn't mean that everyone has to do the same thing or make the same choices - and I certainly never said that they should, or anything even remotely like that. I very clearly said that I was now going to make decisions for myself rather than letting social mores make them for me - the only unspoken implication being that other women ought to be free to do the same - make the choices that work for them. I'd think that would be something you would support?
This is literally how I wrapped up the story:
"I’m no longer going to let these sexist, dated, American notions about how I ought to clothe myself be foisted upon me by strangers. I’m going to dress how I want to and wear (or not wear) the undergarments that I deem appropriate for the occasion."
I'm honestly quite confused by your irritation at a woman choosing to suit herself.