It's called Temptation and it's in Cancun about 20-30 minutes away from Desire. To be honest, the flavor is so different, that to my mind, it's apples and oranges. Desire was just much friendlier, welcoming, and generally upscale while Temptations is more like adults on Spring Break. Although both are adults only, Desire is for couples (and throuples, I recently heard). Temptations has large groups of adults who travel there together and then hang out only with each other, while monopolizing seating, etc. "The rest of our large group will be here soon so those seats are saved." Everyone at Desire is Lifestyle, while only about half are at Temptations. Desire is an intimate place where Temptations is a huge, sprawling resort with 3 or 4 times as many guests. Both offered things like sexy games and boob shots, as well as a theme-based evening floor show, but neither had an overtly sexual atmosphere beyond that as far as a lot of hooking up. Yes, you would have to kind of take the nudity plunge at Desire, but when everyone else is naked too, it's really not all that difficult.
Desire is more expensive, but I would highly recommend going that route anyhow. It was just such a better experience in every way.