Just because Peterson is intelligent doesn't mean he isn't a pseudo intellectual. Being smart doesn't mean that you always behave or express yourself in intelligent ways, and he frequently does not. Things like "enforced monogamy" are not smart or useful to society. They are patriarchy flexing its muscles and forcing others to conform. Peterson is not "firmly on the side of women" and he never has been - don't makes us laugh! Peterson is patently irritated with women as class of people unless they conform to his notions of what women should be. The only possible positive influence on the Incel community would be someone who told them to grow the fuck up and stop buying into patriarchal dominance hierarchies. That isn't JP. What Peterson is telling them is to do better in the hierarchy and then women will want them. That's misandric and just generally hierarchical. It's dangerous and fucked up. He's a crazy person masquerading as a guru. Stop paying attention to what he has to say, because it's shite.