Mainstream masculine norms include all the things that contribute to rape culture and violence more generally - aggression, domination, controlling women, etc. Men routinely bond via denigrating and sexualizing women - something that has a direct link to violence against women.
According to the American Psychological Association and a wide variety of organizations that study masculinity and violence, men acting on mainstream Western masculine norms ARE the problem - for women, but also for men. They contribute to depression, substance abuse, and suicide in men and are the reason that men perpetrate over 90% of all violence.
I don't care if you're being alienated to have to hear that - if you're too weak and pathetic to be able to deal with reality, that's not my problem. Man up, bro . . . This isn’t who you are — it’s who you have been trained to be, and it’s fucking problematic, for men and for everyone else.
You and men like you are the reason that rape culture exists. You are the reason for violence culture - because you not only tolerate it as "manly", you blame the people who call it out.
I shoot down people who are whining, speaking from their butt-hurt emotions, and not from what facts and data indicate. Grow up - be a part of the solution instead of a part of the problem.