MediaVSReality, so if it’s not actually a misogynistic patriarchy, how is it that little girls start getting harassed at age 10 and no one worries too much about that, because it’s just the way things are? You really ought to read the story below, written by a man, about the day he realized that every single woman he knows has experienced some sort of violence at the hands of men. It doesn’t matter if you have personally done it or not, you are a part of that culture that allows for this to take place. Unless you are actively working to change that culture, you are just as culpable as those who have done the bad things. And if you are going around proclaiming how it’s really not all that bad, you are absolutely just as bad as someone who catcalls or gropes or coerces because you are normalizing that culture.
"Male violence is an ideology and system that still runs and rules the world. To the point that every single woman I know — and every single woman you know — has probably been affected by it. Many of them, probably in deeply traumatic and destructive ways. Rape, harassment, assault, abuse. They are not uncommon things. They are not even common. They are ubiquitous. We men make the world go by forcing it violently into line, and our violence begins with women."