Men aren't more evil, but they are much, much more violent and dangerous - due largely to societal norms that posit masculinity as aggressive, dominant, and in control.. Most violence against women is committed by people they trust in their inner circle of bosses, brothers, fathers, friends, dates, lovers, and husbands. How exactly are they supposed to "stay out of the water" when that entails all of society?
90% of violence is committed by men - much of it against other men, but plenty against women as well. As already shown, and supported with citations, traditional masculinity is charactered in large part by dominance, aggression, and control of women. Guys like you who won't acknowledge that are the reason we live in the culture that we do, because you don't have to be a perpetrator in order to be responsible for upholding and maintaining a culture where women are much, much, much safer around a bear than they are around men, you just have to pretend it's not an actual problem and keep turning a blind eye to it.
14 people were killed by sharks last year in the entire world. Nearly 89,000 women and girls were killed intentionally in 2022 across the globe, most of them by intimate partners or other family members and violence against women continues to rise, as homicide numbers in general are falling. Femicides committed by intimate partners or family members in North America increased by 29 per cent between 2017 and 2022.
You’d think as a father of daughters you’d care a little bit more about that because you can’t truly keep them safe unless you recognize the actual nature of the problem and join other men (and others) working to improve it.