Men commit over 90% of all violence - against women, but also against other men. Men also commit most rapes - against women, but also other men. Mainstream masculine norms include aggression, domination, stoicism, and control of women. Pretending like those don't impact sociological dynamics is just hiding your head in the sand. The men who do those problematic things aren't aliens from another planet - they are regular men acting on mainstream traditional norms for men - taken to a further extreme.
As the author already noted, we're well aware that not all men do these things, but the fact remains that they are all done by men, and that other men turn a blind eye, support the norms that drive the problems, or otherwise allow this shit to go on. You aren't just an individual, you are a part of a culture. We all have a responsibility to create a better one - for everyone's sake - and that can't happen when the sociological aspects aren't being acknowledged and improved.