My bubble ... you mean the one that talks about the findings of the American Psychological Association, the World Health Organization, the UN counsel on violence against women, etc., etc., etc.? 🙄 If some people are too stubborn and/or stupid to pay attention, I'd say those guys are up for a Darwin Award because the people who would most benefit from acknowledging and dealing with this shit are men.
FYI, about 65% of my readers are men.
“Young men’s mental health is in a worrisome state. Their bravado masks deep insecurities, depression, and frequent thoughts of suicide. Men in the Man Box in the US and UK are statistically significantly more likely to meet a screening standard for depression than men outside the Man Box. Furthermore, all young men’s rates of suicidal ideation are troubling, with particularly high rates among men in the Man Box.
The Man Box is an enormously violent place, with negative repercussions for young men themselves, for young women, and for others in their lives. Men in the Man Box in the US and UK are as much as six or seven times more likely to report having perpetrated acts of online or physical bullying against male peers than men outside the Man Box. Men in the Man Box in Mexico are also three times more likely than their peers outside the Man Box to report having perpetrated sexual harassment. In the US and UK, men in the Man Box are six times more likely to report perpetrating sexual harassment.”