No arguments from me on that, but in the interrum, you are still disregarding what the people that I know in this industry say about how they want to be viewed and treated, and what their frequent experience with clients is. Your McDonalds analogy is pointless because I've told you REPEATEDLY that I have talked to people in this industry - quite a few of them. In fact, one of them I'm very close to and talk often about this topic with. I'm well aware what the issues are, and at the end of the day, you don't get to decide for her or for anyone else what is appropriate for them, what their experience of this kind of work is, or to take away their agency in any way. I say sex work is work because that's what my very dear friend says about what she does and I'm not going to 'splain to her about how I know better. And I know and am aware of many, many other people in the industry who feel the same way.