No, it's abusive and completely unacceptable. You don't get to come into a woman's life (a woman who surfs for a living so who lives in bathing suits) and then start telling her what she is allowed to wear, what kinds of pictures she is allowed to take, who she is allowed to talk to. Take her as she is or back the fuck off - you do not get to make those decisions for someone else! You do not own her.
Pretty much all mental health professionals would agree with this assessment from Medical News Today: "Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse, or intimate partner violence. It describes a pattern of behaviors a perpetrator uses to gain control and power by eroding a person’s autonomy and self-esteem. This can include acts of intimidation, threats, and humiliation." Bingo!
And dude, every other sentence is "my old man thinks." How about you grow up and start thinking for yourself? It's great to respect your parents, but c'mon...