No, on average men have 40% more upper body strength - but that's only on average. At the same time, there are women who can bench 600 pounds. Can you? Read the link about the female warriors of Africa. They weren't fighting with a bow and arrow; neither were the shield maidens of the Vikings or the onno-musha of Japan (the female samurai). Again - educate yourself before you speak because you sound like a child. As already noted, women buried with swords were often assumed to be men. Then they did the amino acid test on their teeth and realized they were actually women.
There are minimal differences between male and female brains at birth, and they are so small that we don't actually know what if anything they signify other than that males have a part of their brain that controls their penis. Human brains are plastic - that means they change depending on what they are exposed to. London cabbies who have learned The Knowledge have different brains than you and me. Boys who are given Legos and other spatial relations toys as children develop different brains than girls, who mostly aren't. The truth is, we don't actually know enough about the human brain to make any pronouncements about differences except as gender indoctrination and other factors of living in a sexist culture impact some studies of adults — and even then there is no strict binary.
As Rutgers University psychologist Deena Skolnick Weisberg has recently argued, we should “remember that neuroscience, as a method for studying the mind, is still in its infancy. It shows much promise to be someday what many people want to make it into now: a powerful tool for diagnosis and research. We should remember that it has this promise, and give it the time it needs to achieve its potential — without making too much of it in the meantime.44
Fine, Cordelia. Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference (p. 154). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.
If men and women have different brains then how do you explain all the millions of women who are way, way better at science and math than you, who are astronauts and engineers and economists? And isn't it strange how so many women just "developed" male brains at the exact same time when social restrictions loosened up and women were allowed to go to Ivy League schools, and allowed to even apply to NASA for the first time?
Again - no more time for this absurd, a-scientific stuff. You sound like a silly old ostrich.
Summarizing this literature in a 2008 review, cognitive neuroscientist Mikkel Wallentin concluded that “the alleged sex-related corpus callosum size difference is a myth.” The culprit? Look no further than “the possibility of ‘discovering’ spurious differences when using small sample sizes,” says Wallentin.20
Fine, Cordelia. Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference (p. 138). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.