No, statistics are an aggregate of personal experiences. They aren't just theories - they are reflections of real life. But nothing in society is a linear dynamic with specific inputs automatically equaling certain outputs. In addition, pervasive messaging about how men "should" act is at odds with what may be going on for them subconsciously. Most guys aren't aware of all the ways that Man Box norms harm them but that doesn't mean that they aren't.
Yes, your personal life will absolutely improve if you support feminism because as was quite clearly pointed out - patriarchy is a bullying culture and dismantling that bullying culture will be better for you - and for everyone else. Did you not believe this quote? "I'd say our goal can't just be gender equality, but rather a vision of human liberation outside of the narrow constraints created by eight thousand years of in patriarchal societies." That's what feminism is working towards. In addition, (as already pointed out) men in more gender equal societies live longer, have better health, and experience greater happiness.
I appreciate you doing what you think is right, but a less patriarchal culture will absolute improve your life.