No, that's not what I'm saying and you know it. Stop being purposely obtuse as a deflection because that's all it is - so that you don't have to take responsibility for yourself in a world where being a man has granted you thousands of unearned and often unrecognized advantages no matter what your other experiences have been. Stop trying to avoid that by blaming everyone else and telling them they are weak and at fault for not somehow doing a better job of challenging their oppression.
Being a part of a particular demographic is THE single largest driving factor in discrimination and marginalization. What planet are you from? Racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia/transphobia, religious discrimination, etc., etc. - all of those have nothing whatsoever to do with the person as an individual and everything to do with them simply happening to be a part of that category. Fifty years ago in the US, everyone but white men was marginalized BY LAW based on nothing other than them not being white men. And it's not like the legacy of that has simply evaporated just because the laws have changed.
The level of self-delusion you've got going on is simply astounding. I'm moving on to other things.