No, those are matrilineal societies, not matriarchies. In them power is shared between women and men, and balance is seen as important. Women are valued, but do not dominate or control men. They do not have legal rights that men don't have. They are not reverse patriarchies, in other words.
Go back and read the story I linked you on how there's never been a matriarchy. There have been thousands of matrilineal and even some matrifocal cultures but no matriarchies.
And, no, just because you have a queen ruling in a patriarchal culture doesn't turn it into a matriarchy either. Good heavens - that's about the silliest assertion I've heard in a long time. Queen Elizabeth I never married because even as queen, she would have lost a lot of rights to her husband if she had.
"In the 16th century, a sovereign was regarded as holding supreme dominion over the state, while a husband was deemed to hold supreme dominion over his wife. Elizabeth knew that marriage and motherhood would bring some erosion of her power."
You're clearly a bit out of balance, so I'm not going to waste any more time here. Read some history books, FFS. You might learn something.