No you didn't - I offered those things up in the early part of our "conversation" and spoke/wrote the entire time with a lot more nuance than that. If you can't perceive that because of the high level of emotion and fear this topic drives up in you, that's not my issue. Besides, most of the research being done around the Man Box is being done by men - guys who are concerned about the world their son's are growing up in. And like I've already pointed out more than once, the findings are what men are saying about their own experiences. Just because you don't like the conclusions they've reached doesn't automatically make the research methodology faulty.
If you can find me any studies done by reputable research organizations that say the opposite, I say bring it on, because I don't think you can. This means university studies and the like. Not ones done by The Heritage Foundation or similar.
Go ahead and have the last word, because I know that's important to guys like you. I've wasted enough time on this.