On the right track, but everything that you have described is in fact absolutely a function of patriarchy — wherein female sexuality belongs to whatever man happens to own the woman; be it her father or her husband. Before 10K years ago, when the social system of patriarchy began, you didn’t have any of these issues. Women were integral to the tribe/society feeding itself. Paleolithic peoples ate very little meat, so gatherers were critical to survival and it wasn’t until plowed agriculture that women were banished from the fields to the home.
The Trope of The Farmer’s Daughter
How gender inequality was cemented by plowed agriculture
No-one used to be worried about vaginas on the loose, because prior to patriarchy, no-one was all that worried about monogamy. High-status women, including royalty and married women, spent time as sacred intimates in the temples of the Goddess. Sex was not all considered sacred and prostitution did exist, but it was still a very different society and control of women was not an integral part as it is in patriarchy.