Patriarchy is a brand new invention for people. We’ve only had it for about 3% of human history — something that is widely recognized by people who study human history.
“Today, most anthropologists would agree, regardless of their stance on issues such as the universality of male dominance, that an entirely different order of male dominance became associated with the rise of the large and populous agricultural states organized in terms of classes. The patriarchal systems that emerged brought women for the first time under the direct control of fathers and husbands with few cross-cutting sources of support. Women as wives under this system were not social adults, and women’s lives were defined in terms of being a wife. Women’s mothering and women’s sexuality came to be seen as requiring protection by fathers and husbands. Protecting unmarried women’s virginity appears to go along with the idea of the domestication of women and an emphasis on a radical dichtomy between the public and the private sphere.”
And aside from this, humans are just as genetically close to bonobos as we are to chimps, and bonobos have a decidedly female bonded, female dominant, and completely non-monogamous way of life, so trying to equate us with chimps is doubly specious. Nice grasping at straws, though….