Please provide a citations for you assertion about false accusations being more prevalent than women being killed by men, because that is absolutely not true.
Half of all women who are murdered are killed by current or former intimate partners in contrast to 4% for men. That's noteworthy. In addition, an American is sexually assaulted every 73 seconds and most of those are women, also noteworthy.
"Some 47,000 women and girls worldwide were killed by their intimate partners or other family members in 2020."
"About 1800 American women were murdered by men in 2019."
In the past 30 years only 52 men convicted of sexual assault have been exonerated.
"What’s equally important to know, however, is that false rape accusations almost never have serious consequences.
According to the National Registry of Exonerations, since records began in 1989, in the US there are only 52 cases where men convicted of sexual assault were exonerated because it turned out they were falsely accused. By way of comparison, in the same period, there are 790 cases in which people were exonerated for murder.
Furthermore, in the most detailed study ever conducted of sexual assault reports to police, undertaken for the British Home Office in the early 2000s, out of 216 complaints that were classified as false, only 126 had even gotten to the stage where the accuser lodged a formal complaint. Only 39 complainants named a suspect. Only six cases led to an arrest, and only two led to charges being brought before they were ultimately deemed false. (Here, as elsewhere, it has to be assumed that some unknown percentage of the cases classified as false actually involved real rapes; what they don’t involve is countless innocent men’s lives being ruined.)
So the evidence suggests that even in the rare case where a man is the subject of a false rape complaint, chances are that the charges will be dropped without him ever learning about the allegations.”