Pretending "we're all individuals" and that no broad sociological dynamics exist is what people do who want to evade responsibility for the ways that they contribute to the ills of the world. Mainstream norms of masculinity demonstrably drive violence, they drive rape, and they also drive loneliness and dysfunction for men. "I didn't do it, don't lump me in with them" is a complete and utter cop out. You are either a part of the problem or you are a part of the solution. If you aren't actively working to challenge the problematic aspects of society and instead are wasting all of your breath in being indignant, you are a part of the problem.
Rape (as one example) is not perpetrated by monsters that have nothing to do with you. It's perpetrated by a culture that you are deeply embedded in and that you either challenge or uphold. Refusing to acknowledge that is what allows rape culture to continue largely unfettered and unimpeded. We have the culture that we tolerate and allow and you participate in that either by your actions or your inactions. Pretending that is somehow unfairly demonizing people is what children do who aren't mature enough to recognize themselves as part of a society.