Sad to say, but most people are sheep. They don't engage in critical thinking or even independent learning of any sort - they simply attach themselves to something they've been told that connects with them on some subconscious level - which has also never been actually been thought about or considered. They use opportunities to feel superior to others to make themselves feel better about themselves, and they increasingly sacrifice even the semblance of integrity or humanity if it can get them more visibility or electability.
If it weren't so fucking gawdawful, it would be kind of an interesting sociology experiment. Just how much erosion of basic human rights and privacies will be tolerated before people get motivated enough to remove these sorts of people from decision-making capabilities? What will it take to get young people truly engaged and refusing to accept these sorts of draconian maneuvers? A fascinating dynamic in the abstract, but in truth, a lot of people are going to suffer and some of them are going to die while this all gets sorted out.
Sigh, indeed...