So, you're already aware of these studies - so I won't bother to post them again. The fact you think this is a feminist perspective is just plain silly. This stuff is 100% due to patriarchy. Most women would like nothing better than to not have their lives dictated by what is acceptably feminine. The fact that they are steeped in the same social system and subconsciously adhere to its norms is neither surprising nor malicious. It's what it means to live in a patriarchy where women must always be "feminine" and men must always be "masculine" as defined by other people long ago - and never the twain shall meet.
As I've already stated several times, if you want this culture to change, you need to be putting your energies into dismantling this stupid system of gender binaries where it's considered too masculine for women to initiate in romantic situations.
If you honestly believe that women are sitting around having the conscious thought about how they needn't bother to initiate romantic connections because they can just kick back and wait for men to come to them, you don't know much about women - and that I believe is the actual problem here.