So, you've made my point for me then - it's not some sort of biological imperative to invest in your offspring's wellbeing (something you can do in other ways than monetary support, btw), it's really only men who have significant resources in the first place who feel compelled to support their offspring?
Funny thing though, that's not actually what the data says. Dads who can afford to pay actually pay child support less often than poorer dads. Nice try at rationalization though . . .
"Our data show that 4.5 million nonresident fathers who do not pay child support have no apparent financial reason to avoid this responsibility. None of these fathers are poor. On the other hand, these data also show that 2.5 million nonresident fathers who do not pay child support are poor themselves."
So, myths about male parental investment theory and Evolutionary Psychology are still propaganda and not actual science. In addition, calling the very well supported (with links and everything) assertions that I've made Femininst Valhalla without even bothering to look at and assess the evidence because it contradicts what you "just known in your heart" does pretty much qualify you for zealot status.