Sorry, but this kind of "bro-science" doesn't actually hold up to scrutiny or to reality. Human beings didn't evolve to compete - we only made it out of the Pleistocene at all due to the highly social and interdependent nature of humans to cooperate. Most cultures have gender roles, and in most indigenous cultures, particularly hunter-gatherers, nobody pays much attention to those because people value personal autonomy over manufactured gender boxes. There's a huge amount of new evidence coming to light due to new tooth enamel analysis that shows that women were always big game hunters, always warriors, always whatever... It's not until the rise of patriarchy about 5k years ago that strict gender binaries come about and competition not cooperation becomes the central element of society.
The women's movement of the 1970s was a direct result of the repressive and constricting gender binaries of the 50s and 60s. Women have been progressively less happy because now, not only do they have to work 8 hours + outside the home (most families can't survive on only one income), but then women have to go home and pull a second shift, making food, taking care of children, cleaning up after everyone because too many men still don't do their share. In addition, many workplaces are rife with sexual harassment and both subtle and overt discrimination against women - even at the highest levels. What exactly is there to be happy about?
And no, what I said is that pretty much all men uphold harmful norms of "traditional" masculinity to a greater or lesser extent - ones that drive violence, sexual violence, loneliness, and dysfunction society-wide. It's the more elite men who have the greatest responsibility to lead other guys into something healthier and more pro-social.
Less powerful men have declined to take on the elites because A) they hope they can climb the rungs of the dominancy hierarchy to be them one day and B) because at least they are men in an androcentric culture so why rock the boat and give up those privileges? Then, you blame things on feminism so you have a scapegoat and don't have to actually confront the fact that men still have the overwhelming power in all areas of our culture, including politically, and economically.
You guys need to fix the aspects of this culture that are driven by harmful norms and stop blaming women for everything. If you had been sexually harassed constantly since you were a young child, if you had to always assess your safety, if you had to worry about whether or not your date was going to try to rape you, or if your boss was going to take you seriously because you were a guy, you wouldn't just be sitting around taking that in stride. You'd be complaining about it and pointing out the ways that it's wrong, so stop being mad at women for doing the same thing. It's a deflection so that you don't have to actually grapple with the real problems. How about you guys "man up" and start taking that shit on, instead of wallowing in self pity and blaming people for just wanting to be safe and treated with humanity and decency?