Tate blames men who have not "achieved alpha status" for not putting in the work - but it's because he is more than happy to enroll you into an MLM scheme so that you can learn how to do that by paying him and recruiting other men into the MLM. He doesn't want to actually help men - he wants to keep them angry and feeling inadequate so he can keep taking their money. At the same time he blames women, calling them "intrinsically lazy" and saying that there was "no such thing as an independent female." He also blames feminists for "denying human nature" and misrepresenting his blatant misogyny.
It's the same superficial level of "self-responsibility" that Peterson trots out. He's a Jungian psychologist, for heaven sakes, but he never, ever encourages more men to get therapy or to truly excavate their shadow selves. Instead he gives superficial "self-responsibility" advice and then blames the rest on Neo-Marxists (whatever that even is), feminists, and SJWs. Even though 40 years of research on the subject eventually led the APA to issue new guidelines for working with boys and men to reflect the ways that "traditional masculine norms" actually are quite harmful to males, Peterson wants to keep doubling down on that as the solution rather than identifying it as a large part of the problem with why so many men are lonely, and suicidal.
It's the same thing all these manosphere types do - particularly the ones who want to take your money. They want to recapture the "glory days" of retrograde masculinity and are demonizing women and feminists in particular for standing in the way of that. Other than incels, a huge percentage of them first became angry and radicalized when they got divorced, and again, rather than taking a look at how they might have contributed to that state of affairs, it's the fault of evil, scheming, hateful, subhuman women. A bunch of the "thought leaders" have little relationship with their kids and one guy tried to disprove paternity of his daughter so he wouldn't have to pay child support. A lot of it is a cult of "Me, Me, Me - I was taught I should be king, and since that doesn't seem to be working out, it must be the fault of those bitches who messed up the gravy train." It would be sad, if it weren't so vitriolic and dehumanizing to women. And, a lot of money is being made by some of these guys who pretend they are helping men, but really, actually aren't.
As the Southern Poverty Law Center notes, "Some corners of the men’s rights movement focused on legitimate grievances — male homelessness and rates of suicide, male conscription, or lack of male shelters for domestic violence victims — to draw in followers. But the movement has never made meaningful steps to address these issues or seek solutions, instead directing their followers to blame women, aided by a large feminist conspiracy, for everything." This generalizes not just to self-identified MRAs but also to most quarters of the manospere, where blaming women and blaming feminism is overwhelmingly the name of the game. If any of these men actually believed in real self-responsibility, they'd be taking on how their words and actions, as well as their inactions have contributed to violence and inequality. But that takes introspection and vulnerability - two qualities that do not go well with "traditional masculinity."