Thank you and I agree with you that women and girls need to be empowered to say no and to tell creepers to get their hands off of them. This is a matter of changing early socialization rather significantly, however. I got to that point in my life, but not until I was well into my 40s. That’s not good enough, particularly since, like you, it started for me at a young age.
We need to teach girls from early on that they do not owe anyone shit as relates to their own body, and guys need to understand both how often this takes place, and how detrimental it is. The guy who said “What’s the big deal about rape? got forced off of Medium but there are still too many men who don’t get this dynamic because it’s never happened to them and doesn’t tend to happen where they can witness it taking place.
Ultimately, this is a dominance hierarchy issue, in my opinion, and getting rid of that kind of a social system all around would go along way towards improving a lot of this stuff.
Thanks for your comment.