Thanks, but I’m curious why you think that anyone can be indoctrinated out of heteronormativity? You didn’t choose your sexuality — it’s just who you are and the same goes for everyone else. Most indigenous cultures recognize somewhere between 3 and 5 genders reflecting that a strict heteronormative binary is a cultural construct — one that has never actually been entirely adhered to. Given the hatred and rampant discrimination that LGBTQ people increasingly face (much worse than even 10 years ago), why on earth would anyone “choose” that? But you can’t choose it. You can’t unmake gay people any more than you can make them be gay because it’s a natural phenomenon. Homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom and has existed in humans for millions of years.
I’m left handed. For hundreds of years that was considered unacceptable and us lefties were forced to learn to use our non-dominant hand in order to conform. When they stopped doing that, it seemed like left-handed people were coming out of the woodwork, but it’s only the natural number of left handed people were finally free to be themselves without persecution. Even thought LGBTQ folks still face discrimination and persecution, more and more of them are unwilling to be forced into denying who they are for other people’s comfort. I personally think that’s a good thing.