Thanks, but who is he trying to help? A very small percentage of the population at the decided expense of the rest of us. I have no use for a man who exhorts people to take responsibility for themselves and then goes on to blame feminists, social justice warriors, college professors and a whole bunch of other people for the problems of the world. He wants to return to the 1950s when everyone who wasn't a white man knew their place and didn't complain about the ways that this was unfair. Pfft! This is in large part due to his warped understand of how hierarchy actually works - so if you agree that he's got that wrong, it pretty much undermines everything else he has to say that goes beyond stand up straight and clean your room.
No-one is owed a platform, although JP still has a huge one. He makes an estimated 80,000 per month on Patreon alone - the poor baby. So I'm not sure exactly how you imagine that he has been speech banned? If people don't want to hear his unhinged drivel, there is no reason they should be forced to listen to it.
If Wilde's characterization of Peterson doesn't match yours, that doesn't make it a lie - it's a difference in perception. You've characterized him as a shining light in the madness and I'm not going to accuse you of lying for saying it, even though I've already demonstrated just how off base he is around fundamentals of his world-view.