That's a nice perspective in theory but it fails to take into account that we live in a patriarchy where up until 50 years ago women were second class citizens by law - and that the residuals of that are still very alive and well in our cultural subconscious. Most men will not, in fact, listen to women about how masculinity needs to remake itself - and that is born out by the research I cited from Cambridge as well plenty of other research AND the lived experience of every woman I know.
As I said repeatedly, we are all in this together and women have to do their part - but men absolutely must take the lead of shifting norms of masculinity away from the "traditional" aspects of it that harm men and that harm society.
The problems with modern dating go way, way beyond the dominance hierarchy alone, so I won't delve into them here but on this we can agree, so called dating gurus aren't helping - they are mostly just making things worse.