That's about as true as saying that it's become a very anti-white world because Black folks are still loudly complaining about the inequality that they face at the hands of white designed/white led system. Making the perpetrators into the victim is the surest way to deflect from the actual problems at hand.
It is not an anti-male world in the slightest. It's an extremely androcentric one where the horrible things that happen to women as a part of how this male designed/male led social system is constructed are routinely downplayed, ignored, mocked, and complained about. It's a violently anti-female culture and refusing to quietly accept that is not the actual problem.
Everyone is responsible for challenging this system, and those in dominant demographics are particularly responsible for challenging it - because they benefit from its harm and inequities even if they don't want to. We even see this in American law:
“It is common for more than one defendant to cooperate in the commission of a felony. Group participation in criminal conduct could constitute more than one crime — for example, conspiracy — and could also place criminal responsibility squarely on a defendant who did not commit the criminal act. The general rule for felony murder in many jurisdictions is that if one defendant kills a victim during the commission or attempted commission of a specified felony, all defendants involved in the felony are guilty of felony murder (State v. Hoang, 2011).”
Your silence and your inaction in the face of the horrendous violence and inequality that American women routinely face makes you just as as culpable as the guys who are doing the things directly.
Yes, men have problems too - although most of them are also caused by a patriarchal social system, but if you want women to stop complaining about how the pervasive culture of masculinity is harming them, you need to start actively participating in changing it - otherwise, you're just another part of the problem.