That's exactly what you did on this woman's story and you've done it more than once on stories of mine. You have every right to comment on whatever story you want to but that also entitles you to be called out for the bad behavior that is implicit in the way that you too often go about that.
1. Stop making authors responsible for things that they have not specifically said.
2. Respond to what they actually said, rather than to what you are just sure that they meant based on your hurt feelings around what someone else said.
3. Stop telling women what they should have written and respond to what they actually did write
4. If there is something you would have preferred that they touch on in greater depth, write your own story.
You don't even follow your own rules about this stuff. " I said I would only respond to a story that claimed that women are less safe from violent crime on the street." Yeah, but then you didn't do that - you said that in the comments of a story that in no way, shape, or form did those things because you react rather than responding. I've wasted enough time on this today. But man, take some responsibility for yourself. It's fine to feel passionate about something. It's fine to feel like it's not getting the attention it deserves, but it's not other people's responsibility to write the story that you would have liked to have written and making everything into a contest about who is actually hurt worse rather than interfacing with the nuances is not a good look.