That's not what patriarchy even remotely means!. 😸 You don't understand the most basic aspects of what you're talking about and really shouldn’t use words you don’t know the definition of. First off, a country where women can't vote, can't own property, and have no legal status as individuals, but can be beaten and raped with impunity by their husbands - but just so happens to have a queen is not a matriarchy.
Secondly, patriarchy means "rule of the patriarchs" (not rule of men). It's a dominance-based social pyramid intended to primarily benefit those with the most social and economic clout.
And what lies are you referring to, exactly? Everything I've said is a verifiable and easily searchable part of history. Look it up for yourself. It's a shame you're so poorly educated that you don't already know this stuff, but that is easy to rectify with just a few Google searches. But then you would no longer have your faux victimhood narrative, so I don't guess that's likely to take place. 🙄