That's patriarchal norms talking. In many cultures where it is socially acceptable for women to have a lot of casual sex - and extra-marital affairs - and it's considered normal and in some cases, even expected and desirable. And in the US (and other similar cultures), despite the safety issues, and despite the “it probably won’t be any good” aspect, hook-up culture wouldn’t have been going for 30 years if women were vehemently against it. It’s probably the same where you are.
That's the difference between men and women - men care most about appearance and are fine to have never even said a single word to a woman in order to want to sleep with her. Women in general (not always) assess attractiveness based on a variety of factors - not just physical appearance alone.
Edit: This is yet another one of those “things aren’t necessarily what they seem like to men.”
It’s a myth that most women want or need to have emotional closeness in order to experience desire. What they really want is for it to be safe for them to be sexual — physically safe, not judged or shamed, and seen as a person whose preferences and boundaries will be respected — but much of that is in response to societal factors that don’t have much to do with inherent female sexuality.
The entrenched belief that all women want emotional intimacy in order to experience sexual desire obscures what is actually going on. Having sex is a vulnerable thing, particularly for a woman having sex with a man. Not only are you literally allowing someone else inside of your body, but you are also engaged in an activity that still has a lot of social stigma for women. Even within ongoing relationships, women don’t always feel safe to be their full sexual selves due to cultural narratives around what women should be like.
If somebody really cares about you, the chances that they will kill you or rape you goes down significantly; the chance that they will publicly talk about what a slut you are goes down significantly. There’s still a risk, but it’s to a much lower degree. Emotional intimacy is a safety net more than a requirement for female sexual desire. Real emotional connection does enhance sex, but that’s true for everybody.