The biggest purveyors of Identity Politics are white men.
"So when white guys are advocating for the same privileges and cultural centrality they’ve had for hundreds of years, it just seems like keeping the status quo. They are maintaining the culture that has long served their interests and needs and which seems only right to them as mainstream society. As my autistic son Hugh likes to say, he likes things “plain” — meaning how he’s used to and prefers it. Plain = Hugh’s way.
White people, and white men, in particular who talk about identity politics are essentially saying that they want it plain as well. It only seems offensive and out of line when it’s marginalized people advocating for their interests. A fundamental aspect of the dominance hierarchy that our social system is built on is that although those on the higher rungs make up the minority of the population, they still expect the focus to be on them and their needs. After all, they’re at the top of the pyramid."
And how exactly are we supposed to fight for equality of opportunity without noting what is demonstrably standing in the way of that? I'm not saying that the political left is doing a great job, but a lot of your assessment as to why is awfully simplistic and retrograde.