The entire manosphere teaches hate and dehumanization of women - just in slightly differing degrees -and radicalizing young men into these beliefs is a growing and very serious problem. A recent survey in the UK indicates that 25% of men now agree with extreme beliefs about women - coming from the likes of Andrew Tate, but also other manosphere types getting rich and famous indoctrinating boys and men into extreme levels of misogyny.
"According to recent YouGov survey data, one in four young men in the UK agree with his (Tate's) views on women, which include believing that women are men’s property, belong at home and shouldn’t be allowed to drive, among many other similarly disturbing things."
By the man's own admission, Jordan Peterson is a part of that, which is why he was there that night, to have those views validated and reinforced:
“Everything revolves around women, and it’s extremely sad how no one is seeing that besides Jordan and his supporters. Women are extremely mean and selfish, and they don’t care about love like we do.”
Peterson isn't as extreme as some of these other guys but his views are still regressive and blame women and others who seek equality.
This man's beliefs didn't just arise in the past, they continue to be actively reinforced by what he chooses to put into his head today. Incel communities have (rightly so) been flagged by various governments as potential terrorist threats because of the level of violent rhetoric as well as the actions of quite a few of its members. Again, where is the fucking self-responsibility? How many excuses do we have to make for this "poor guy? "