The guys who look to Tate and Peterson are looking for someone to tell them that the things that are killing them and harming society are actually really only natural and also good for them. They take their money and keep them sucked into what is essentially a hate cult. That way these men don't have to do any inner work, any introspection, or any healing. Instead, they can rail at invented scapegoats - which is a whole lot easier and more fun than growing up and becoming an actually fully realized human man.
I'm asking for other men to join those who are already doing the more difficult work so that men do have positive leaders to look up to. And no, women do not tear down men who are working at improving men's lives and society as a whole in healthy ways. Give me even one example of that. Men have been doing that kind of work since the 1970s and the point of this entire story is that we need more of that - and for that to become more mainstream and "cool." But again, it involves things that guys have been socialized against - so it takes strong men to take it on.
Edit: Shouldn’t the fact that incels worship Tate and Peterson tell you something about how not very sane or reasonable that is?