The hutzpah and cognitive dissonance are truly stunning! I haven't offered you my lay opinion, I've offered that of Harvard (and other) professors of popular music as well as that of a musician that you say you respect.
By your own admission you have no training or particular expertise in popular music - and yet, you're sure you have standing to judge something that you don't really know a lot about because you've never actually listened to a Taylor Swift song all the way through in your life. By your own admission, you said more than once you were actually making a commentary on all popular music today - and not Swift in particular (because you don't actually know very much about her music - but are happy to condemn it on "principle" 🙄).
You've continually told lies and then doubled down on them when they have been refuted with facts. What a piece of work!
This is a shining example of exactly what's wrong with the world and I don't have any more time for this nonsense.