The reason that Donald Trump was elected (despite being a terrible businessman who lost most of the money his dad left him) who had nothing to offer politically is that he stood for Might Makes Right. "I grab 'em by the pussy, and when you're a star, they can't do anything about it." The people who voted for him loved that he didn't have to play by the civil rules of society (such as not mocking a disabled reporter). They ate up that he did what he wanted to and got away with it because he was rich enough and powerful enough to evade real repercussions because they wished they could do that too.
Why are you talking about the Magna Carta? That was not really about empowering the people - it was about the nobles not wanting to be under the thumb of the king. They still oppressed the little guy at every opportunity and thought it was their right to do so. In fact, the Magna Carta is a perfect example of M-M-R because the nobles had enough power at the time to force the king to sign it. That was the only reason it happened.
Manifest Destiny is another clear example, where we thought we had not only the right, but the duty to colonize and "tame" the West - even though other people were already living there. And yes, queen bee girls in schools are mighty because they have social/political power within that microcosm and can make other people's live enjoyable or miserable according to their whim.
Might is also demonstrated by laws that up until just a few decades ago prevented whole classes of people from having the same opportunities as white men. It's structural, legal, financial, social, and at times with outright violence, such as when the police kneel on the neck of Black man who has long ago been subdued and prevent anyone who is trying to help him from interfering.
Every action movie ever made shows the hero saving the day by exerting might. Sadly, there aren't a lot of movies about people saving the day through reaching out to the other person and talking things through or offering compassion.
CEOs have a much higher level of psychopathic/sociopathic traits than the general population - because that "reads" as leadership.
You are the one is unbelievably naive if you don't see the evidence of Might Makes Right all around you.