The title of your story is literally "Men Need More Competition, Not Less." The fact that this sentiment appeals to a lot of men right now doesn't say anything about the correctness of the sentiment. Jordan Peterson appeals to a lot of men for the same reason. Doesn't mean he knows flip.
My main topics of expertise are sociological, with a particular focus on the dominance hierarchy aspects of American culture - which includes things like "The Man Box" - a term I did not coin, but that I have studied for many years. I know it's a ubiquitous defense mechanism when a man is unable to substantively refute what a woman says, but the vast majority of what I've put forth here isn't my opinion - it's what 40 years of research on this topic reveals.
I haven't thrown any accusations at you. I simply pointed out the title of your piece and quoted back to you from it - which you then disavowed as the point of it. The fact that you can't own what you've said, and that you continue to believe your feelings about something trump actual scientific study of it indicates that yes, we are done here.