The women who voted for Trump are not the same women who are fighting for equality - something that should be patently obvious. I've already talked about their dynamic in depth in my last comment so I'm not going into it again here. I'm not saying they get some sort of free pass, but progress is not going to come out of trying to deprogram any conservatives. It's not a good use of time or energy to focus on that.
There's a lot being written about what men can do because for the past 50 years (some) women have been battling for equality and most men have sat on the sidelines as if it didn't affect or impact them - unless they are complaining about feminism - something that many "progressive" men absolutely do. It's time for progressive men to stop doing that and it's time for them as members of the dominant demographic to examine the ways that they have participated in and benefited from patriarchy in subconscious or intstitutional ways, it's time for them to stop being bystanders and saying "I didn't do anything" because not doing anything is a huge part of what allows the status quo to continue.
I haven't said anything about mutually exclusive... But right now most men aren't doing much of anything at all - and mainstream masculine norms are at the root of a lot of the problems we have in our culture. I've repeatedly said that women need to keep doing their own work, but men need to start doing some work, and getting together with other men to support each other around it. The difference between women can do better and men need to start doing anything at all is a pretty stark difference and in my mind, it speaks volumes.