There actually is a movement afoot in the business world to have more partnership-oriented management models (and this is an important step towards bringing it more fully into society). Brene’ Brown’s work and her new book, Dare to Lead has many elements of this. I just finished a book by Peter Block called Stewardship that is really great, and explains how much leading in a patriarchal style is like being in a parent role; and why it’s also not appropriate to do that for other adults (although some of us like the safety that brings, despite hating the loss of autonomy, etc.). Empowering those closest to the work-product to make decisions, and eliminating professional managers is not only saner and kinder, it’s a better economic model. And yet, he also talks about how hard it is to get people to give up power, privilege, treating others with “I know best” attitudes, etc.
Riane Eisler’s Center for Partnership Studies, offers a lot of information, including webinars, and other training materials and opportunities for learning more about this more collaborative way of being in the world. She speaks around the world on the subject, including places like the UN.
“The Center for Partnership Studies is a catalyst for cultural, economic, and personal transformation- from domination to partnership, from control to care, from power-over to empowerment. CPS’s programs provide new knowledge, insights, interventions, and practical tools for this urgently needed shift. We invite you to explore the many resources CPS offers to build a better future for yourself, your family, your community, your nation, and our world.”
We’ve definitely got a long way to go, but the water-wheel does appear to be turning in this direction. The Gillette ad is a prime example of this. The Beast will keep fighting for it’s life, but more and more people are beginning to see how we can’t keep going like this, dominating the earth, bullying each other, refusing to acknowledge the ways that we are connected and the benefits and joys that can come from that connection.
I’ve been wanting to write something more specifically about this, so thanks for helping me get my thought processes started!