There are no binary differences between men and women that aren't physiological - but even then, it's not a strict binary. Aside from the 1.7% of humans who are intersex, about 11% of women are taller than the average male and some percentage of women are stronger. Can you bench 600 lbs?
There is no way to adequately separate out what is socialized and what is innate, because we cannot raise children outside of socialization.
No, there are no innate sexual roles. What kind of absurd question is that? Who even thinks that?? Human sexuality is incredibly varied and doesn't fit into any sort of narrow boxes. Nobody who knows the first thing about human sexuality would ask that.
Who said anything about aptitude tests? Computer programming was invented by a woman, as were most major appliances, the precursor to WiFi and GPS, and chemotherapy, to name a few. A woman discovered nuclear fission, another discovered how tectonic plates work, and another the DNA double helix. A woman discovered what the sun was made of. Even when women were actively not allowed to study science or treated as if they had a brain in their heads, they were still inventing and discovering a hell of a lot of stuff. Women still face a lot of obstacles and pervasive socialization about the appropriateness of women in STEM, and yet they still continue to go into those fields, although some eventually leave due to lack of opportunities and on-going harassment or antagonism. We have women astronauts, economists, physicists, and surgeons. We don't need aptitude tests to tell us what women are capable of and what many of them are interested in.
There are also thousands of years of women hunters and soldiers — sometimes in all-female units. The most successful pirate to have ever lived was a woman. Do you know anything about the actual world or are you just stuck in 1950s gender indoctrination?
Last time I checked, lesbians were women - people who tend to have greater responsive rather than spontaneous sexuality.
And in four national surveys conducted between 1991 and 1996, women and men under the age of forty-five were basically neck and neck in the cheating game, while a 1992 survey found that American women aged eighteen to twenty-nine reported even more affairs than their male peers, and a more recent GSS found the same thing. Meanwhile, a 2017 study shows that among women aged twenty-five to twenty-nine, group sex and threesome experience equaled that of men the same age, and women were nearly twice as likely to have gone to a dungeon, BDSM, swingers’, or sex party, challenging the easy assumption that men are the naturally more sexually adventurous sex.
Martin, Wednesday. Untrue (p. 42). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.
Are these actual good faith questions? I'm not sure that they are.