There are no matriarchies and there never have been. Matrilineal cultures prioritize balance between men and women. And hierarchy, per se, is not the issue. Dominance hierarchies are the problem. The fact that you don't know that means you need to spend a lot more time learning and a lot less time opining.
I hope Dr. Eisler told you to not be so absurd. Nobody has said that a bull is a "feminine" symbol. If you re-read the excerpt I posted in the last comment from THE ENCYLOPEDIA BRITANNICA you'll notice that they identify the bull as a religious symbol - in a goddess-oriented religion. It's related to fertility and the giving power of the sun. It's mainstream scholarship from anyone who actually knows anything about this topic. Your assumption that she's stupid and you know better than she does when she's been studying this topic for 50 years speaks volumes.
Could you be more arrogant and stereotypical? 🙄 You're giving credence to the saying that a little knowledge is dangerous.